Saturday, June 22, 2024

The trial that should never have happened

Maher Audience Silenced After Andrew Cuomo Admits NYC Trump Trial Should Have Never Happened

SATURDAY, JUN 22, 2024 - 10:25 AM

Former governor of New York from 2011 to 2021 Andrew Cuomo appeared on Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday where he discussed the implications of the New York City Trump trial with host Maher. 

Maher's mostly liberal audience is caught quiet when Maher and Cuomo start frankly discussing whether or not the trial was helpful for the Trump campaign. 

“The trial in New York, the one he [Trump] got convicted for, was the greatest fundraising bonanza ever. He was lagging behind Biden, and now he's pulled quite a bit ahead," Maher said to Cuomo during the show. 

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