Monday, September 30, 2013
Narcissistic destructive role model
Jay Z to mag: Crack dealing was my job experience
How did Jay Z develop the business acumen he needed to become a music mogul? By dealing crack, of course.
“I know about budgets. I was a drug dealer,” the hip-hop titan boasted to Vanity Fair magazine, referring to his days on Brooklyn’s mean streets.
“To be in a drug deal, you need to know what you can spend, what you need to re-up.”
Speaking in the mag’s November issue, which also features him on the cover, the 43-year-old rapper explains that the most important plan any drug dealer can make is how to get out of the business.
“If you want to start some sort of barbershop or carwash — those were the businesses back then,” Jay-Z said, recalling the careers he once considered. “Things you can get in easily to get out of [that] life.”
While cutting hair and washing cars might not have been sexy options, they beat the alternative — death or prison.
“You have to have an exit strategy, because your window [for dealing drugs] is very small,” Jay Z said. “You’re going to get locked up or you’re going to die.”
Looking back, Jay Z said he regrets having played a role in the city’s 1980s crack epidemic. He admitted that, at the time, he was thinking only about the money.
“Not until later, when I realized the effects on the community. I started looking at the community on the whole, but in the beginning, no,” he said.
“I was thinking about surviving. I was thinking about improving my situation. I was thinking about buying clothes.”
From his beginnings in Bed-Stuy’s Marcy Houses, Jay Z has gone on to become one of hip-hop’s biggest names — not to mention the hubby of one of pop’s hottest singers, Beyoncé.
He raked in $42 million in the past year, adding to a net worth of about $475 million, according to Forbes.
He has been performing since the ’80s despite having once pledged to quit by age 30.
“I know I said I wouldn’t be doing it when I was 30,” he said, “so that’s how I know I love it. Thirty years old was my cutoff, but I’m still here, 43 years old.”
Jay Z has won 13 Grammys, including two this year for “N- - -as in Paris” and one for “No Church in the Wild,” both from his and Kanye West’s 2011 album, “Watch the Throne.”
Decline of the West,
Hollywood halfwits
Big Boom
Scientists think they have found the volcano responsible for a huge eruption that occurred in the 13th Century.
The mystery event in 1257 was so large its chemical signature is recorded in the ice of both the Arctic and the Antarctic.
European medieval texts talk of a sudden cooling of the climate, and of failed harvests.
In the PNAS journal, an international team points the finger at the Samalas Volcano on Lombok Island, Indonesia.
Little remains of the original mountain structure - just a huge crater lake.
The team has tied sulphur and dust traces in the polar ice to a swathe of data gathered in the Lombok region itself, including radiocarbon dates, the type and spread of ejected rock and ash, tree-rings, and even local chronicles that recall the fall of the Lombok Kingdom sometime in the 13th Century.
"The evidence is very strong and compelling," Prof Clive Oppenheimer, from Cambridge University, UK, told the BBC.
Co-worker Prof Franck Lavigne, from the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, France, added: "We conducted something similar to a criminal investigation.
"We didn't know the culprit at first, but we had the time of the murder and the fingerprints in the form of the geochemistry in the ice cores, and that allowed us to track down the volcano responsible."
The 1257 eruption has been variously linked with volcanoes in Mexico, Ecuador and New Zealand.
But these candidates fail on their dating or geochemistry, the researchers say. Only Samalas can "tick all the boxes".
Global event
The team's studies on Lombok indicate that as much 40 cubic kilometres (10 cubic miles) of rock and ash could have been hurled from the volcano, and that the finest material in the eruption plume would likely have climbed 40km (25 miles) or more into the sky.
It would have had to be this big in order for material to be carried across the entire globe in the quantities seen in the Greenland and Antarctic ice layers.
The impact on the climate would have been significant.
Medieval texts describe atrocious weather the following summer in 1258. It was cold, and the rain was unrelenting, leading to flooding.
Archaeologists recently put a date of 1258 on the skeletons of thousands of people who were buried in mass graves in London.
"We cannot say for sure these two events are linked but the populations would definitely have been stressed," Prof Lavigne told BBC News.
In comparison with recent catastrophic blasts, Samalas was at least as big as Krakatoa (1883) and Tambora (1815), the researchers believe.
The ice cores do hold clues to yet another colossal event in about 1809, but, like Samalas before it, finding the source volcano has been difficult.
Prof Oppenheimer said: "It's outstanding that we haven't come across evidence for it. Where in the world could you bury such bad news?"
Standard operating procedure for leftists and our own Democrats
Nicolás Maduro seeks to deflect blame as Venezuela’s woes mount
By Andres Schipani in Bogotá and John Paul Rathbone in London
Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro has suffered negative news since he won elections in April
What to do if your country’s economy is on the ropes, inflation is soaring, shortages are rampant, political support is fragile and violence is flaring? For critics of Nicolás Maduro, the president of Venezuela, the answer is that you wrap yourself in the national flag and blame somebody else, anybody else, even Spiderman.
Since becoming president five months ago, Mr Maduro has routinely cited vague international conspiracies by capitalist plotters, or even cartoon superheroes, for Venezuela’s mounting problems that range from a lack of toilet paper and national electricity blackouts to one of the highest murder rates in the world.
- Venezuela hit by huge power cut
- Venezuela battles shortages and inflation
- S&P downgrades Venezuelan debt
- Fears of hyperinflation grip Venezuela
Most recently, he has set up a hotline 0-800-SABOTAGE, for Venezuelans to file reports on illegal economic activity, part of new measures aimed at countering economic “sabotage”; said he would sue Airbus with “the help of an international law firm” after his presidential aircraft suffered a fault; and identified what he calls US “factories of anti-values” such as Hollywood.
“Take a 14-year-old youngster who has a 9mm pistol in his hand and is carrying in his head thousands of hours of violent programming,” mused the 50-year-old president this month, after watching Spiderman III with his wife. “Stimulated by such consumerism and violence, no wonder he goes out and kills.”
Deflecting blame for domestic problems on external forces is a time-honoured tradition in Venezuela’s so-called 21st century socialist revolution that routinely thumbs its nose at the US.
But that is especially so now that Mr Maduro has made little headway in correcting the economic distortions bequeathed by Hugo Chávez, his charismatic predecessor, a failure that has also left many wondering how much longer the situation can go on.
“The breaking point in Venezuela is very moveable because the country always has oil revenues,” says Luis Vicente León, a pollster and economist at Datanálisis in Caracas. “Whatever a government misspent yesterday, huge cash flows come again tomorrow.”
Still, although the Opec nation receives about $100bn in oil revenues every year, mismanagement and policy incoherence mean its economic problems, such as an annual inflation rate of above 45 per cent, continue to mount – especially when it comes to the exchange rate.
Fixed at 6.3 bolívars to the dollar at the official rate, and trading on the black market at seven times that, the distortion has cut the supply of dollars to Venezuelan importers, thereby exacerbating shortages of basic goods but providing quick winnings for anyone who can access dollars at the overvalued official rate.
One widespread scam called el raspao, or the swipe, allows Venezuelans with a valid flight ticket to swipe their credit card and get up to $3,000 at the official rate, thanks to special currency provisions for travellers. The result has been international flights booked-out for months, even if many travellers never turn up for the journey.
“The macroeconomic distortions that currently plague Venezuela result from foreign exchange mispricing,” wrote Francisco Rodríguez, economist at Bank of America, in a recent note, called “Fear of floating”. But “delays in the announcement of a . . . new forex system appear to reflect internal disagreements within the administration”.
Indeed, the currency market goes to the heart of Mr Maduro’s economic problems. Devaluing would correct the mispricing but also boost inflation and cut Venezuelans’ purchasing power, thereby hurting Mr Maduro’s already tenuous popularity ahead of December’s municipal elections, widely seen as a plebiscite on his rule.
“Maduro is not only conscious, but also absolutely informed of the economic difficulties he has to face,” says Nicmer Evans, a political scientist at a left-leaning think-tank in Caracas, the Miranda International Centre. He adds that “Maduro is still sorting out the dilemma between a technocratic and political solution to the crisis”.
A further complication stems from ideological divisions within his cabinet. Ideological stalwarts, such as Jorge Giordani, the state planning minister, applaud Mr Maduro’s efforts to maintain popular social programmes and bear down on private businesses, so deepening the revolution. But they also dislike the even timid reforms proposed by pragmatists, such as Nelson Merentes, the finance minister.
“Maduro has to pay attention to the radicals,” says Mr León. “If they suggest that Maduro is betraying Chávez’s legacy in the midst of a crisis, people will think the crisis was sparked by him, even it is due to problems inherited from not taking actions in the past.”
Amid such policy paralysis, it is no wonder then that Mr Maduro has sought to deflect the blame on to others. How much longer this tactic can work is another matter, especially given repeated verbal gaffes such as when he exhorted Venezuelan workers to produce more, “and multiply, just like Christ multiplied the penises” (penes in Spanish, instead of peces, or fish.)
“There are powerful people within the official party and the National Assembly that cannot stand Maduro and his proposals, that’s clear,” says Ramón Muchacho, an opposition politician. “His own ‘friends’ are playing him behind his back. The only thing left is to blame the opposition, and Spiderman, for everything.”
Dissecting leftism,
The aura of mental Depression lingers all around the Global Warming crowd (and the Left as well)
'No children, happy to go extinct', tweets weatherman after grim climate-change report made him cry (now he's considering a vasectomy)
- Eric Holthaus, who used to do weather for Wall Street Journal, was reacting to Friday's findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Scientists found in the report that it was 'extremely likely' that humans are causing warming trends
- Holthaus said he has decided not to have children in order to leave a lighter carbon footprint, and has considered having a vasectomy
- He tweeted on Friday 'no children, happy to go extinct'
- The weatherman also said he is committed to stop flying as 'it's not worth the climate'
- US Secretary of State, John Kerry, calls the report 'an alarm bell'
- It means scientists have moved from being 90 per cent sure to 95 per cent sure regarding global warming
Selfishness disguised as selflessness.
Climate Fraud,
Dissecting leftism,
Global warming
The absolutism of Obamacare and government control over your life
ObamaCare's Mandate To Shut Down Little Sisters Of The Poor
ObamaCare: A group of nuns dedicated to caring for the elderly poor is suing to prevent an uncaring administration from shutting down their compassionate order over their refusal to obey the contraception mandate.
There is no clearer or sadder example of the Obama administration's war on the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty than the demand by the Department of Health and Human Services to violate their religious consciences or pay heavy fines.
HHS has ruled that if the Sisters don't offer insurance policies to their employees that include free coverage for sterilization procedures, artificial contraceptives and abortifacients, these vowed-to-poverty women will have to pay about $1 million in IRS fines, effectively making their work nearly impossible.
The Little Sisters of the Poor are a global Roman Catholic congregation of women, founded in 1839 by St. Jeanne Jugan. They operate homes in 31 countries, where they provide loving care for more than 13,000 needy elderly persons. Thirty homes are in the U.S.
Last Tuesday, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor. It questions the HHS ruling that, while houses of worship are exempt from the contraception mandate, the Little Sisters of the Poor are merely a social service organization that serves and hires non-Catholics, so it does not qualify for an exemption.
"The Little Sisters are driven by their religious faith to do what they do in terms of taking care of the elderly poor," said Mark Rienzi, senior counsel for the Becket Fund. "The government should not be telling them they have to violate that faith to keep serving the poor."
That objection has been raised by the U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops, which argues that that religious institutions aren't merely defined by church buildings open on Sunday but by the work they do and that the government needs to ensure the First Amendment isn't gutted.
"We are not exempt from the (ObamaCare) mandate because we neither serve nor employ a predominantly Catholic population," Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, the Little Sisters' communications director, told the Daily Caller. "We hire employees and serve/house the elderly regardless of race and religion, so that makes us ineligible for the exemption being granted churches."
"Like all of the Little Sisters, I have vowed to God and the Roman Catholic Church that I will treat all life as valuable, and I have dedicated my life to that work," said Sister Loraine Marie, superior for one of the three U.S. provinces in the congregation. "We cannot violate our vows by participating in the government's program to provide access to abortion-inducing drugs."
So the Department of Health and Human Services wants to shut down a group of nuns who provide health and human services to the elderly poor.
Worse yet, the government seems to be violating the liberals' beloved separation of church and state by defining what a church is and what it is not.
This is not an unintended consequence of ObamaCare. The destruction of non-government social service networks is necessary to complete our "fundamental transformation" from liberty to socialism.
In President Obama's transformed America there can be no credible noncoercive alternatives to government care for the poor.
"Freedom of worship was guaranteed in the constitution of the former Soviet Union," Cardinal George wrote in a column in the Catholic New World. "You could go to church, if you could find one. The church, however, could do nothing except conduct religious rites in places of worship — no schools, religious publications, health care institutions, organized charity, ministry for justice and works of mercy that flow naturally from a living faith. We fought a long Cold War to defeat that vision of society."
Or so we thought.
Posted By Theodore Shoebat
Both the al-Shabaab terrorists and the Obama family want the nation of Kenya to be under Sharia code.
Al-Arab wrote that Obama’s cousin, Musa Obama, “studied Sharia in Medina” and has called
He stated, furthermore,
Now we have al-Shabaab terrorists executing a slaughter of people in a Nairobi mall, and when we look into what this group is, what we find is that they are a result of youths being sent to these very same universities in Saudi Arabia, including the one where Musa Obama studied.
In the sixties and seventies, the major conduit of Wahhabism into Somalia, was the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood bringing in Islamic schools into Somalia. Somalian youths were then given scholarships for three major Islamic universities, Umm al-qura University, the University of Medina, and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, all three of these institutions are the same schools to where the Mama Obama Sara Fund is sending Kenyan youths to learn Sharia.
The Gulf Issues Centre For Strategic Studies describes these institutions as “the spring of Wahhabism,” and further writes:
The Foreign Policy Council attributed the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Somalia substantially to these same three universities:
This goal to replace Christianity with Islam in Kenya by the Obamas, was expressed by al-Arab in their interview with Musa Obama in the World University Ruff in Nairobi:
Lets not forget that Kenya is 83% Christian, so we know that this massacre was done specifically to kill Christians. In 2011 it was reported that al-Shabaab decapitated a Christian in Somalia named Juma Nuradin Kamil.
There is a very significant figure in the Nairobi mall shooting, Hassan Mahad Omar, also known as Hassaan Hussein Adam “Abu Salman.” Hassan is the unofficial mufti and ideologue for al-Shabaab, and their terrorist attacks are linked, directly and indirectly, to his fatwas.
Hassan teaches Islamic doctrine and has a degree from an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia, which means that he is interlinked with the three major Islamic universities to where the Obamas are sending Islamic youths to study Islam and Sharia.
Al-Shabaab, the group who slaughtered the people in the Christian majority nation of Kenya, and the Obamas, are associated with the universities which gave rise to the ideology of al-Shabaab, and both are striving for the same goal: an Islamic Kenya where Christianity would be outlawed.
Is it any wonder, now, that Obama prevented the revolution against the Muslim Brotherhood dictator of North Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, and that he is giving weapons to the jihadists in Syria?
“upon the Arab and Islamic states to put more effort toward aiding the Kenyan Muslim brethren, especially since there is much support coming from Western nations and Western churches.”Musa has also confirmed that his organization, the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation, “gives scholarships to study Sharia in Medina [Saudi Arabia].”
He stated, furthermore,
“that despite the fact that Barack Obama hasn’t visited his tribe in Kenya since his election in the United States, there is a continual communication between him and several members of his family and his tribe in Kenya, of which the Kenyan prime minister is also a member.”Thus, we know for a fact that Musa Obama studied Sharia in Medina, that his organization gives scholarships for Muslim youths to study Sharia in Saudi Arabia, for the purpose of de-Christinizing and extinguishing Christianity in Kenya, where the majority of people are Christians. Musa Obama, Sarah Obama (Obama’s grandmother) and Sayed Obama (Obama’s uncle) are lending scholarships for youths to enter the three major Sharia schools in Saudi Arabia: Umm al-Qura, the Islamic University in Medina, and the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh.
Now we have al-Shabaab terrorists executing a slaughter of people in a Nairobi mall, and when we look into what this group is, what we find is that they are a result of youths being sent to these very same universities in Saudi Arabia, including the one where Musa Obama studied.
In the sixties and seventies, the major conduit of Wahhabism into Somalia, was the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood bringing in Islamic schools into Somalia. Somalian youths were then given scholarships for three major Islamic universities, Umm al-qura University, the University of Medina, and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, all three of these institutions are the same schools to where the Mama Obama Sara Fund is sending Kenyan youths to learn Sharia.
The Gulf Issues Centre For Strategic Studies describes these institutions as “the spring of Wahhabism,” and further writes:
“[Wahhabists] grew up in the Wahhabi and Salafi schools which imbibed radical ideas in the Islamic University in Medina, Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, and the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh.”A 2010 African Policy Briefing for the International Crisis Group, in writing on the history of Wahhabism and the al-Shabaab group in Somalia, places its significant growth with Somalian youths being recruited into Umm al-Qura University and the University of Medina, the same schools to which the Mama Sarah Obama Fund brings Kenyan youths to study Islamic Sharia:
Saudi Arabia – flush with petro-dollars after the oil shocks of the 1970s – was particularly instrumental in promoting Wahhabism. and Islamic charities sprang up in all the major urban centres and even in the remote countryside. Well-funded madrasas (religious schools) Thousands of Somali youngsters were brought to Saudi universities – principally Medina and Umm al-Qura – to study Wahhabi jurisprudence (fiqh) and missionary work (da’wa).The two named universities are the ones which the Obamas are heavily associated with. Moreover, Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, is the executive secretary for the Islamic Dawah Organization of Sudan, which is working to make Africa Islamic, the same goal of the two named universities’ dawah programs.
The Foreign Policy Council attributed the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Somalia substantially to these same three universities:
After Somalia’s independence in 1960, Egyptians opened secondary schools in many of the country’s towns. In the 1960s and 1970s, Saudi religious and educational institutions—especially the Islamic University of Medina, the Umm al-Qura University in Mecca, and the Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh—joined al-Azhar in offering scholarships to the graduates of these institutions. This development has parallels with the entrenchment of radical Islam in nearby Sudan via the establishment of the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood, the precursor to the currently-ruling National Congress Party (formerly the National Islamic Front).It was from this very Islamism that al-Shabaab arose, and, furthermore, the report parallels this rise to the founding of the National Congress Party in North Sudan, which is ran by Omar al-Bashir, the same Muslim Brotherhood member who Barack Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, is working with to make Africa fully Islamic and free of all Christianity.
This goal to replace Christianity with Islam in Kenya by the Obamas, was expressed by al-Arab in their interview with Musa Obama in the World University Ruff in Nairobi:
“Muslims [in Kenya] suffer from the monumental Christianization aided by Zionist expansionism that infiltrates the nation.”Al-Shabaab, as well, wants to purge Kenya of all Christianity. When they were slaughtering people in the Nairobi mall, they lined civilians up, and executed them after deeming them non-Muslims because they could not “name the Prophet Mohammed’s mother or recite passages from the Koran.” There was one man who was Muslim who was spared after he recited some verses of the Koran.
Lets not forget that Kenya is 83% Christian, so we know that this massacre was done specifically to kill Christians. In 2011 it was reported that al-Shabaab decapitated a Christian in Somalia named Juma Nuradin Kamil.
There is a very significant figure in the Nairobi mall shooting, Hassan Mahad Omar, also known as Hassaan Hussein Adam “Abu Salman.” Hassan is the unofficial mufti and ideologue for al-Shabaab, and their terrorist attacks are linked, directly and indirectly, to his fatwas.
Hassan teaches Islamic doctrine and has a degree from an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia, which means that he is interlinked with the three major Islamic universities to where the Obamas are sending Islamic youths to study Islam and Sharia.
Al-Shabaab, the group who slaughtered the people in the Christian majority nation of Kenya, and the Obamas, are associated with the universities which gave rise to the ideology of al-Shabaab, and both are striving for the same goal: an Islamic Kenya where Christianity would be outlawed.
Is it any wonder, now, that Obama prevented the revolution against the Muslim Brotherhood dictator of North Sudan, Omar al-Bashir, and that he is giving weapons to the jihadists in Syria?
The willingness of the left to become slaves...Hollywood as Pied Piper
School forced to apologize after showing students Obama campaign video that includes celebrities pledging 'be a servant to the President'
A Wisconsin middle school has been forced to apologize after showing students a video produced after Barack Obama's 2008 election that included celebrities pledging to 'be a servant to the President.'
Some parents who watched the video at an assembly at Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Wisconsin, called it propaganda and complained that it was inappropriate for young minds.
The video, produced by Oprah Winfrey's production company, includes celebrities like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz and Eva Longoria.
Scroll down for video
Red Hot Chili Peppers lead singer Anthony Kiedis pledges to 'serve Barack Obama' in a video that was shown to an auditorium of middle school students
School officials said they showed the video because it promoted volunteerism, but parents said it amounted to propaganda
It begins with the stars describing their pledges to do one thing to change the world.
KMSP-TV reports that the video was shown to students in an attempt to promote volunteerism for the 'International Day of Peace.'
Then, three and a half minutes into the four-minute video, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis kisses both biceps and proclaims 'I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama.'
Later, at the end of the video, Demi Moore and Kutcher stand together and declare, 'I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind.'
After receiving complaints, the district issued a lengthy apology and said the video would never be used again.
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore say: 'I pledge to be a servant to our President and all mankind'
Hudson Middle School Principal Dan Koch pointed out in his apology that the video wasn't just politically-slanted - it was factually incorrect.
'The video conveyed a message that people serve the presidency, when in fact our elected officials serve the people,' he wrote in a statement to his students.
Either way, the video didn't pass the smell test in conservative Hudson, Wisconsin, - which is in a county that didn't vote for Barack Obama in either 2008 or 2012.
'It looks a little 1940s Germany,' said one woman on the street in downtown Hudson.
'It doesn't seem right,' added another.
Dissecting leftism,
Hollywood halfwits,
How liberal sensibilities cause death. It's only the beginning. Watch the numbers grow.
Tragic pleas to reinstate stop-and-frisk
The surge in shootings since a federal judge ruled against stop-and-frisk is more than a statistic to those affected by the gunfire.
Jorge Alvarez, 44, was shot in both legs when he was caught in the crossfire between two drug gangs on Aug. 13, one day after Manhattan federal Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled the NYPD’s use of stop-and-frisk unconstitutional.
Alvarez said he was walking home in Harlem with his wife after an evening of shopping when a hail of gunfire exploded. He tried to run as the bullets started flying but couldn’t move fast enough.
Cops later told him at least three weapons were fired during the barrage of shots, he said.
He was among the 164 New Yorkers struck by bullets during the 28-day period that ended Sept. 8, marking a 9-plus percent increase over the same period in 2012. Shooting incidents also spiked nearly 13 percent, to 140, with police sources noting that “perps are not afraid to carry a gun” due to the reforms Scheindlin has ordered.
“They have to get illegal guns off the street. The only way to do that, besides stopping the sale of guns, is stop-and-frisk,” Alvarez said through a Spanish interpreter.
“If they can’t check people, they’re not going to find guns.”
‘They have to get illegal guns off the street . . . If they can’t check people, they’re not going to find guns.’ — Gang crossfire victim Jorge Alvarez
More than a month after the shooting, Alvarez still suffers pain in both knees and has no feeling in his right thigh. He’s also been unable to return to his job at a New Jersey liquor store.
A more tragic supporter of stop- and-frisk is grieving Brooklyn mom Tonia Garcia, whose son, Dominique, 22, was killed during a traffic dispute in their East New York neighborhood early Aug. 18.
According to cops, Dominique was in the passenger seat of a car whose driver honked at a group of men blocking an intersection.
A heated dispute erupted, during which one of the men pulled out a pistol and shot Dominique in the head. He was rushed to Brookdale Hospital, where he died.
“Nobody will ever understand what I’ve been through,” his mom lamented. “Stop-and-frisk is the best policy — it caught more criminals. Now, everyone is running rampant.”
Asked what she would say to Scheindlin if given the chance, Garcia said, “Come live in it for a little while, move in the neighborhood for a little while.
“Somebody gets killed over here once a week, twice a week,” she said, adding, “Stop-and-frisk keeps people safer.
“I don’t think they should stop it The amount of crimes being committed would be way less on the streets.”
Dissecting leftism,
Bait and switch? Sleazy sales technique but always works on those who can't see past the word "free"
Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to 'Free Health Care'
Even as President Obama and his administration are making a last minute push to encourage enrollment in Obamacare, a quiet change was made on the website regarding those who will still not be able to afford coverage after the program kicks in. From at least June 26, 2013 to as recently as September 15, under the topic, "Where can I get free or low-cost care in my community?" the following statement appeared: "If you can't afford any health plan, you can get free or low-cost health and dental care at a nearby community health center." Here is how the page in question appeared:
However, sometime between September 16 and September 23, the reference to "free" care was dropped. The title of the topic was changed as well, and now reads: "Where can I get low-cost care in my community?" Here is how the page currently appears:
The page in question is not a new one, as the webpage's Internet address remains the same, still containing the word "free": However, there is no notation anywhere on the page that it was revised; the change just appeared unannounced.
Other changes include dropping references to "dental" care and the availability of "prescription drugs," as well as exchanging the phrase "specialized care for more serious conditions" for the milder "referrals to specialized care."
Since President Obama has been emphasizing of late how inexpensive Obamacare will be for many Americans, advertising the availability of "free" health care might have been viewed as a deterrent to purchasing even the least expensive option from the government-run exchanges. Since the "bronze" and "silver" level plans that the president has recently been touting as equaling "the cost of your cable bill" and "less than your cell phone bill" will still entail significant out-of-pocket costs for medical care, "free" might still look more attractive to many on the lower end of the income scale. It may be that community health centers will still offer free care to some, but visitors to will no longer be made aware of the option.
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