Saturday, December 31, 2022
When men do what needs to be done
Toxic masculinity strikes again: Man who saved 24 stranded motorists in Buffalo snowstorm identified
The best story of the day comes from the deep snows of Buffalo, New York, where 50 inches of snow buried the city in blizzard conditions, leaving cars on the road stranded and 40 people dead.
Except that there would have been a lot more of them had this man not stepped up.
According to ABC News:
Police in the town of Cheektowaga, just outside of Buffalo, credit 27-year-old Jay Withey with saving the lives of two dozen people during the deadly storm by rescuing strangers from cars trapped in the snow and bringing them into a school for shelter.
"I feel 100% that Jay's actions were heroic and 100% saved lives," Cheektowaga Police Chief Brian Gould said.
More evidence Jan 6 was a Nancy Pelosi set up
HUGE: House Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 – While at Same Time Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day
Rogan O’Handley posted a text message from Nancy Pelosi’s staff secretly editing the J6 security plan for the US Capitol and then telling the House Sergeant at Arms to “please act surprised” when the final draft was published.
The House Sergeant at Arms responded, “I’m startled!” to the request showing his willingness to play along.
Published December 30, 2022 at 6:55pm
Breaking! Ray Epps Admits To Orchestrating The Infiltration Of The Capitol In A Text To His Nephew (Screenshot)
Friday, December 30, 2022
First you spend decades fostering homelessness and then declare a state of emergency to usurp power
EV skid row! How LA's 'Electric Avenue' has become overrun with homeless - and drivers are too intimidated to charge their $60,000 cars at sidewalk stations
- A video shows homeless encampments surrounding EV charging stations
- Alexandra Datig, who posted the video, said: 'It's better to charge at home'
- LA has more than 62,000 registered EVs, with many more predicted
- Meanwhile, there are more than 69,000 homeless people living in the city
- Newly-elected Mayor Karen Bass declared a state of emergency over the crisis
Some very significant Covid vaccination statistics worldwide
Horowitz: Possibly the most important study on COVID shots might explain why COVID never seems to end
Tolerance is a good thing in most aspects of life. But when it comes to the immune system, artificially juicing up the body to create antibodies with long-term tolerance to a pathogen is a recipe for disaster. Amid thousands of papers on COVID and the vaccines, a new German paper published in Science Immunology should be the headline story this week. Although the subject matter is very dense, the implication of it is that the Pfizer shots (and possibly other mRNA spike protein shots) caused the immune system to misfire, thereby creating an endless feedback loop of viral immune escape, perpetuating the pandemic in the macro, and creating immune suppression for the individuals who received them.
The vexing question of 2022 is why the virus is even still with us to this day. Why is it that so many countries in the Pacific Rim that did so well in 2020 and 2021 now have a bigger problem in 2022 with less virulent strains of COVID? Why does it appear the pandemic will never end and so many people continue to get the virus multiple times? None of this is normal.
Wherever you turn, the most vaccinated countries are not only experiencing rampant side effects from the shots, but worse outcomes from COVID itself following their endless booster campaigns.
But even more telling than an epidemiological comparison of one nation to another is a comparison of outcomes within nations themselves between pre- and post-vaccination/booster campaign. Prior to the mass vaccination, two parts of the world largely escaped excess deaths from the virus: continental Africa and the Pacific Rim nations. Yet whereas Africa flatlined in terms of COVID deaths throughout 2021-2022, countries like Japan only experienced meaningful numbers of deaths after the mass vaccination program.
Here is a chart of the daily COVID deaths per million in Japan, a country that is super vaccinated (and mask-obsessed).

Notice how Japan is experiencing progressively worse death curves, which only began after everyone (particularly seniors) was boosted, even though Omicron is less pathogenic than the earlier strains. Japan is also the current world leader in cases per million.
Australia is a similar story:

Now contrast these two countries to Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa.

One could assert that there are some unknown factors as to why Africans appear not to die from COVID, compared to the high death rates in North America, South America, and Europe. However, the Pacific Rim countries like Japan and Australia seemed to enjoy almost as low a death rate prior to the booster campaign. After that point, Nigeria (and the rest of Africa) seemed to flatline and be done with the virus, as we would typically expect by now, while the other countries incurred skyrocketing cases and a relatively massive spike in deaths. Obviously, Nigeria’s vaccination rate is much lower than these other countries, but its booster rate is almost nonexistent.
Even within Europe, Scandinavian countries like Norway largely escaped a massive death curve during the first two years of the pandemic. That all changed in 2022. Norway now has the highest COVID death rate per million in the world.

Adding these three Omicron waves together, we see that Norway is beginning to rival the U.S. in terms of death curves. However, America is a much unhealthier country, and America experienced the death curves with the more pathogenic Wuhan and Delta strains.
If you track the number of boosters given per 100 people in some of the aforementioned countries, you will see that the current death curves track almost perfectly in a positive correlation.

Indeed, Chile now has the most deaths per capita in South America, even though the country already suffered a substantial number of deaths and should be done with the pandemic. Nigeria and the rest of Africa indeed are done with the pandemic, and the U.S., which has an average booster rate, is somewhere in the middle in terms of current COVID rates.
So, this is about a lot more than “oh, the vaccines don’t stop transmission.” They appear to proliferate it and also to worsen clinical outcomes. But why?
A group of German researchers tested for which specific antibody levels spike at what time. Specifically, they tested the Pfizer shot against the AstraZeneca shot and discovered something very concerning. Increasingly over time, and particularly with three doses of Pfizer, the immune response switched from the more neutralizing IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies to the non-neutralizing “tolerating” IgG4 antibodies:
High levels of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2-antibodies are an important component of vaccine-induced immunity. Shortly after the initial two mRNA vaccine doses, the IgG response mainly consists of the pro-inflammatory subclasses IgG1 and IgG3. Here, we report that several months after the second vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies were increasingly composed of non-inflammatory IgG4, which were further boosted by a third mRNA vaccination and/or SARS-CoV-2 variant breakthrough infections. IgG4 antibodies among all spike-specific IgG antibodies rose on average from 0.04% shortly after the second vaccination to 19.27% late after the third vaccination. This induction of IgG4 antibodies was not observed after homologous or heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with adenoviral vectors [emphasis added].
Why is this so important?
Importantly, this class switch was associated with a reduced capacity of the spike-specific antibodies to mediate antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis and complement deposition. Since Fc-mediated effector functions are critical for antiviral immunity, these findings may have consequences for the choice and timing of vaccination regimens using mRNA vaccines, including future booster immunizations against SARS-CoV-2 [emphasis added].
So not only do these shots fail to produce the first line of defense antibodies known as IgA in the mucosal, something we knew from day one, but even the blood-based antibodies are increasingly the wrong type. This problem seems to get worse over time and with more doses of the shot, which correlates perfectly with numerous studies showing negative efficacy increasing over time, with more doses, and how the vaccinated take longer to clear the virus.
This topic is both very dense and fascinating. You can find clear explanations of this study about IgG4 antibodies in layman’s terms here, here, and here. But the important outcome for us from a policy standpoint is understanding the deadly subterfuge that has been foisted upon 5.5 billion people of the world and how it will be used with many more novel vaccines coming down the pipeline. The medical establishment successfully convinced the world that a vaccine is nothing more than simply stimulating an antibody response and is something that can be done within days of discovering a virus. This is why they now seek to get vaccines approved not based on accurate clinical trials and clinical outcomes but on “immunobridging” – the measuring of antibody levels. Indeed, this is how they got the bivalent booster shots and the JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine approved and how they plan to get future shots approved.
However, merely measuring antibody levels in the abstract is meaningless and potentially masks harms to the body. God designed our bodies to create the right sort of antibodies, in the right amount, at the right time, in the right place. Any fault in any of those factors can create auto-antibodies, Trojan horse antibodies (antibody dependent disease enhancement) or a misfiring of the immune system, which is some form of original antigenic sin or pathogenic priming that teaches the body to tolerate a specific strain of the virus or respond for a wrong strain. This is why vaccines take years to develop. And this is before we even discuss the fact that these shots are not even vaccines, but are gene therapies that code your body to produce a pathogenic spike that was the result of gain-of-function research and seems to potentially damage every organ system, particularly the cardiovascular system.
In the case of the COVID shots, what the German study discovered is that over time and with increased doses it actually trains your body to tolerate rather than fight the virus it was designed to destroy. The other class of blood-based antibodies are designed to neutralize pathogens; however, the IgG4 class was specifically designed to tolerate innocuous cells (that don’t reproduce) that it repeatedly contacts, such as pollen or peanut particles. They serve an important role and help ensure that people don’t respond with excessive inflammation to everyday encounters with pollen, but to see 20% of the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 (it was as high as 42% in those experiencing infection after boosters) be something that tolerates it is astounding … and dangerous! In other words, whereas your IgG1 or IgG3 antibodies are like the SWAT team, your IgG4 antibodies are like social workers. You don’t want social workers responding to replicating pathogens like the SARS-CoV-2 spike.
The long-term implications of this study are still unclear, but like every earth-shattering finding, this one will not be studied by governments. If this shot is really upregulating an IgG4 response for most of the population, it could easily explain why herd immunity is out the window with SARS-CoV-2. It’s literally teaching the body to not only respond to the wrong pathogen but to tolerate its existence and not remember to fight it. Also, what does this mean long-term for people who don’t create pro-inflammatory antibodies to defend against pathogens? What sort of damage is being done by not having the virus sufficiently neutralized before it invades the system so deeply?
As Kilian Schober, one of the authors of the study, notes (after calling our interpretation of the study too “simplistic”),”Our findings do, however, raise some questions about how to proceed.” But in the past, we used to answer those questions before experimenting on humans, not begin to raise them (and then never answer them) after 5.5 billion people were already injected with the product.Democrats will bleed you for every cent you have to save you from yourself
Think your bills are high now? All the tax hikes hitting Americans on January 1 revealed: Electricity costs to soar and even your nest egg is not safe
- Democrats claimed Inflation Reduction Act would help ordinary Americans
- But new analysis suggests it shreds President Biden's promise not to raise taxes for Americans making less than $400,000 per year
- The Inflation Reduction Act includes three major energy taxes that are expected to increase household energy bills
- One is a regressive tax on American oil and gas development, estimated to increase taxes by $6.5 billion
- Democrats are proposing a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil, likely to be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices
- US inflation is 7.1% for 12 months to November 2022 after rising 7.7% previously
Serial killer
"The New York Post indicated Brownlee may have had an attitude problem for quite some time, given that his criminal history dated back at least to an arrest when he was 15"
Life in Chicago: the insane that walk among us
DECEMBER 29, 2022
A chihuahua was stabbed multiple times on a Chicago street while on a walk with a teenage girl Monday — and a 61-year-old woman was arrested in connection with the attack against the dog.
What are the details?
The 15-year-old girl, the dog's owner, was outside her family's home in the 6600 block of West Irving Park Road on the city's northwest side when a stranger launched the attack, WLS-TV reported.
Police said the suspect stopped to talk to the girl, WFLD-TV reported, but "moments later without warning" the suspect ran toward the dog and stabbed it with a knife. The girl tried to run away with the dog, but the suspect chased them and stabbed the dog several more times, WFLD said, citing court documents.
Anti social behavior sounds a lot like the CCP is in charge
"I'm a friend to some, a sister to others, a charity worker, a Christian. ... I'm not a criminal," says Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who says she has been formally charged on "four counts" previously believed to be for failing to comply and "anti-social behavior" for the incident that took place in Birmingham, England.
The government website for the city describes anti-social behavior as "behaviour which has caused or is likely to cause you harassment, alarm or distress."
"When I was taken down to the police station, I was then grilled about what I was thinking," says Spruce.
"Later, they let me know that I've now been charged on four counts, because of the thoughts I've been thinking and where I've been thinking them," she explains.
"You don't have to be pro-life to see that this is wrong," the activist pleas. "Freedom of thought, conscience, and belief are the most fundamental rights and are an essential part of our human identity," she remarked.
The group that released the video and that is supporting Spruce is called the Alliance Defending Freedom U.K.
“Nobody should be arrested for the thoughts they have in their own mind. The arrest and charge appears to be premised entirely on her admission that she was praying internally," said Jeremiah Igunnubole, Spruce's legal representative.
"The clinic was closed and she was standing, in a public space, without once engaging anyone. As a public space, she was not banned from being present there," the lawyer argued in a statement.
The ADF describes itself as "a faith-based legal advocacy organisation that protects fundamental freedoms and promotes the inherent dignity of all people."
It also publishes a magazine and provides legal commentary on court cases in the United Kingdom.
A fundraiser for Spruce to "cover the legal fees & expenses associated with court proceedings" has raised approximately $17,000 USD at the time of this publication.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
How much freedom are you willing to give these leftists?
Oxford residents will soon be prisoners of their own neighborhoods
This is one of those stories that you’re certain is from the Babylon Bee, and that is stunning in its implications when it turns out to be the truth. In this case, the truth is that, in accordance with UN and WEF climate recommendations, the city of Oxford (home to the famed university) approved plans mandating that citizens may not drive more than 15 minutes distance from their homes without permission. It’s called the “15 Minute City” and is intended to reduce auto emissions. Mostly, though, it will reduce liberty, which is what climate change madness has always been about.
In many ways, the 15 Minute City (which the WEF and UN approvingly tout) is an old, unexceptional idea: Even in big cities, people like vibrant neighborhoods that allow them to travel very short distances (walking, riding a bike, or driving) to fulfill their daily needs (food, clothing, haircuts, etc.). Indeed, there are lots of people who pick homes based on their proximity to amenities. They don’t want to spend their lives in their cars or on public transportation chasing from one thing to another. And that’s fine. Making choices based on lifestyle preferences is a perfectly sound, market-based way to go through life.
But the marketplace is not what globalists want. They want control. Certainly, that’s the case in and around Oxford, England. Word is trickling into America that both the leftist Oxfordshire County Council and the Oxford City Council have plans. Big plans.
'White supremac' is the product sold by those in the race business
DECEMBER 29, published a bizarre Q&A recently, exploring an author's unorthodox attacks on the origins of physical fitness and exercise.
The article, titled "The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness," provides an uncited attempt to describe sinister origins behind everything from President Kennedy's fitness campaign to simple running.
Author Natalia Mehlman Petrzela wrote "Fit Nation," a book that states in its synopsis that "fitness is a social justice issue."
Petrzela reminds readers that until 1920, being fat was attractive. "What would be considered today fat or bigger, was actually desirable and actually signified affluence—which is like the polar opposite of today," she explained.