Wednesday, July 8, 2015

No level of truth will dissuade leftist racists from promoting their lying agenda.

Saint Louis Judge Throws Out Ridiculous Legal Call For Probe of Prosecutor In Mike Brown Shooting…

Black Lives Matter activists have continued the insufferable demand to have the Grand Jury decision nullified.  Another recent maneuver has been thrown out… 

Robert McCullochST. LOUIS  A judge has tossed out a push by activists for an independent investigation of a prosecutor’s handling of grand jury proceedings in the Ferguson police shooting of Michael Brown, ruling that the effort was “not only logically flawed but contrary to the principles of our criminal justice system.”
St. Louis Circuit Judge Joseph Walsh III, in a 10-page ruling filed last Thursday, wrote that he reached “the inescapable conclusion” that St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch “faithfully performed his duty” in connection with the grand jury, “even though some other person may have made the presentation to the grand jury in a different manner.”
[…]  An attorney for the activists, Maggie Ellinger-Locke, said Monday her clients would challenge Walsh’s ruling to a Missouri appellate court.
“We believe the judge’s decision provides prosecutors carte blanche discretion to act arbitrarily in any given case,” she told The Associated Press by telephone. “This is not the law, and on this basis we shall appeal.”
Ellinger-Locke had argued the grand jury decision was inappropriately influenced by the conduct of McCulloch, whom she insisted “put his thumb on the scale” in Wilson’s favor. (read more)
Rioting erupts in Ferguson, Missouri after police involved shooting of an unarmed teen

The left loves its house criminals

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