Friday, March 10, 2017

Democrat Schumer is so used to lying he feelsl entitled. Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms!

WaPo fact checks Schumer’s claim that millions of women use Planned Parenthood for mammograms

WaPo fact checks Schumer’s claim that millions of women use Planned Parenthood for mammograms
In a tweet Tuesday, Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer said the Republicans' replacement bill for Obamacare cuts funds for Planned Parenthood, and would hurt “millions of women who turn there for mammograms, maternity care, cancer screenings [and] more.” Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms. (Win McNamee/Getty Images) 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) claimed Tuesday that “millions” of women “turn” to Planned Parenthood for mammograms. But according to the Washington Post, the statement from Capitol Hill’s top Democrat was “mostly false.”
On Monday, House Republicans unveiled their proposal for a replacement to the Affordable Care Act — the American Health Care Act.
Schumer tweeted Tuesday that the legislation, which he referred to as “Trumpcare,” cuts funds for Planned Parenthood, “hurting millions of women who turn there for mammograms, maternity care, cancer screenings [and] more.”
Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms; the organization makes referrals for them.
The Post noted that, while some Planned Parenthood affiliates sometimes host “free mammography mobile vans” for low-income or uninsured women, no affiliates have mammogram machines in their clinics.
The Food and Drug Administration does not include any Planned Parenthood clinics on its list of certified mammography facilities. The FDA’s list, the Post notes, is updated weekly.
Matt House, Schumer’s spokesman, told the Post that “the tweet referenced the fact that each year Planned Parenthood doctors and nurses provide referrals for women to receive mammograms and hundreds of thousands more receive breast exams at Planned Parenthood clinics.”
“It is a fact that the TrumpCare proposal that defunds Planned Parenthood next year would eliminate access to critical screening and resources for women across the country,” House said.
The Post additionally called Schumer’s claim “problematic” because it “greatly exaggerates” the number of Planned Parenthood clientele seeking mammograms: “In 2014, the most recent data, it made about 11,000 referrals for mammograms — less than 1 percent of the total number of patients that Planned Parenthood served that year.”
The newspaper gave Schumer “three Pinocchios” for the claim. Read the Post’s full analysis here.

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