Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Third protester pleads guilty in plot to wreck Trump inaugural ball, receives no jail time

'no peaceful transition" certainly smacks of third worldism. If this was a conservative group Loretta Lynch would have been right on it.

Third protester pleads guilty in plot to wreck Trump inaugural ball, receives no jail time

 - The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 8, 2017
An anti-Trump protester pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy for his role in plotting to shut down an inaugural ball by setting off stink bombs and sprinklers.
Scott Ryan Charney, 34, was sentenced to community service after agreeing to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to commit assault after he was caught on videotape discussing the scheme by Project Veritas.
Charney was the third of three members of the D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition charged with conspiracy after being captured on hidden-camera video at the Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor in Washington, D.C.
Paul “Luke” Kuhn and Colin B. Dunn were sentenced Thursday to community service but no jail time after entering guilty pleas in D.C. Superior Court on unlawful conspiracy to commit an offense.
Charney, who went by the name Scott Green in the Project Veritas video, said he wanted to ruin the DeploraBall, an inaugural fete organized by the pro-Trump group MAGA3X.
“I was thinking of things that would ruin their evening, ruin their outfits and otherwise make it impossible to continue with their plans — so they get nothing accomplished,” said Charney in the undercover video.
Project Veritas President James O’Keefe said last week he was disappointed that the men, whose group is affiliated with the anti-Trump group DisruptJ20, will serve no time behind bars.
“We are very happy our undercover videos were used to protect Americans,” Mr. O’Keefe said in a statement. “It is a shame, however, that they were let off with such a light sentence.”
DisruptJ20, whose slogans include “no peaceful transition,” crowed last week on Twitter that “activists to serve no jail time from @JamesOKeefeIII’s failed sting operation.”
The group, which organized about a dozen “direct action” protests during the Jan. 20 inauguration, has set up a legal defense fund for arrested activists.
“Court found ‘no dangerous intent’ in the #VeritasThree case. Simple plea bargain for 48 hrs community service, records expunged after service,” DisruptJ20 tweeted on Tuesday.
Charney appeared before Judge Robert Salerno in D.C. Superior Court.

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