‘Unaccompanied Migrant CHILDREN’ Arrive at NY Airport -Appear to be GROWN MEN With 5-O’CLOCK SHADOWS and Shaving Kits (VIDEO)
The New York Times posted a video of seven ‘unaccompanied migrant children’ arriving at New York’s La Guardia Airport from Texas Wednesday evening–only the ‘children’ appear to be grown men.

Under cover of darkness and in the custody of the federal government, migrant children have been coming in waves to New York, taken from their parents after crossing the southern border.Speaking outside Cayuga Centers in Harlem, one of a group of social service agencies in the state that contract with the federal government to take in unaccompanied minors, Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday afternoon said 350 children had come through the center and that 239 of them were currently in Cayuga’s care; the agency is not residential, but places children in temporary foster care and runs day programs.
Of course what the fake news media refuses to report is the majority of these children show up alone at the border.
It fell flat with the media who were only wanting to use the venue to attack Trump.
Kirstjen Nielsen: So I want to be clear on a couple things. The vast majority, vast, vast, majority of the children who are in the care of HHS right now, 10,000 of the 12,000, were sent here alone by their parents. That’s when they were separated. Somehow we’ve conflated everything.

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