Thursday, August 2, 2018

Poor Sports: Democrats Pull Out of Annual Softball Game with Republicans.

There are at first glance three possible reasons for the DNC withdrawal:

First,  they know of planned leftist violence.

Second, they checked and found none of their people knew how to play baseball 

Third, and most disturbing is that they wish to inflame hated against those not on their side claiming they won't play with Nazi's, the  KKK, etc.

Poor Sports: Democrats Pull Out of Annual Softball Game with Republicans

Craig Bannister
 By Craig Bannister | August 1, 2018 | 4:11 PM EDT 

2011 Congressional Softball Game. (Screenshot)
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is refusing to play Republicans in the annual Congressional softball game this year.
The DNC’s softball boycott “stunned” the Republican National Committee (RNC), The Daily Caller reports:
“Despite being a time-honored tradition going back many years, the DNC is refusing to play the RNC at this year’s annual softball game.
“RNC sources tell The Daily Caller that they were ‘stunned’ when Democrats abruptly pulled out of the good-natured game between leadership and staffers at opposing political organizations.”
RNC Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel took to Twitter to voice her disappointment regarding the news, simply calling it “a shame.”

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