Wednesday, January 9, 2019

FYI: POTUS Trump National Emergencies Declared = 0. Barack Obama National Emergencies Declared = 12.

FYI: POTUS Trump National Emergencies Declared = 0. Barack Obama National Emergencies Declared = 12.

And yet, when Barack Obama did that very thing not once but 12 times, (most often of which allowed the U.S. government to seize property) there was nary a word of complaint from this same far left media. Quite the opposite. They defended it.
Image result for gay obama vs tough Trump

ABOVE: When he was president Barack Obama LOVED declaring “national emergencies.” He did so 12 times.

The U.S. is currently under 32 active states of national emergencies, per the Brennan Center for Justice. Many of the emergencies were declared by presidents as far back as Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
Trump will deliver a primetime address to the nation Tuesday as the nation enters its 18th day with a partial government shutdown. Trump is engaged in a high stakes battle with Democratic lawmakers over funding for his proposed wall along the U.S. southern border.
The White House is demanding 5.7 billion dollars for a proposed steel barrier along the border, with Democratic lawmakers saying they will provide no more than 1.6 billion. The White House is committed to keeping the government partially shutdown until an agreement can be reached over funding for the border wall.
Trump told reporters in recent days that he is open to declaring a national emergency to circumvent the funding process in Congress, and could simply use his powers as commander in chief to appropriate military funding for the border wall. Despite this consideration, however, Trump said he would much prefer to go through the congressional negotiations process.


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