Saturday, December 14, 2019

Apoplectic Antifa in London

Antifa Leftists Riot in London Following Massive Election Loss…

Following a major election victory for conservatives in the U.K. the Antifa-left start rioting in the streets again.  Proving once more that socialists do not accept election outcomes.
The vitriolic response from the British socialists resembles an almost identical response following the 2016 election victory of President Trump.  Same groups, same political ideology, same behavior, same violence, rage and expressed anger.
The inability of the progressive left to accept the outcome of an election is identical in both the U.K and the U.S.  Calling Boris Johnson a racist and attempting to delegitimize the election outcome has a ring of familiarity for Americans.
The decades of their united globalist efforts to tear at the very fabric of nationalism is being eliminated. The radical socialists have nothing to lose; the media is sympathetic to their objectives; their desperate need for a collectivist society is visible within their apoplexy.  They are afraid of the individual accountability that comes with freedom, and they’re damn sure displaying it.
Do not look away.

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