Saturday, June 13, 2020

Not equality but black supremacists.

Black Lives Matter forces whites to march in back of line: ‘Systemic racism’ lives

Black Lives Matter wants white people to know their place — which is in the back of the line. This holds even when whites are fighting to advance black causes.
The Seattle branch of Black Lives Matter held a protest march on Friday, but specifically stated that white people must walk in the back like chattel.
Keep in mind that BLM comically claims to protest “systemic racism” and fight for racial equality while overtly segregating and marginalizing an entire race.
Black Lives Matter Seattle wrote on its website: “Anti-Blackness is a greater threat to our survival. It’s killing us, and we are fighting to survive and thrive.”
Reminder: The United States recently elected a black president — twice — with massive support from white voters.
black lives matter whites back of line
This “whites-to-the-back” trend has been gaining steam over the past few years, as the mainstream media continue to stoke a race war by fomenting racial resentment.
Last week, the Melbourne, Australia chapter of Black Lives Matter issued a list of rules for white people who participate in their protests.
According to the list of rules reported by Summit News, white people are required to take orders from any black person and to shut up and obey.
One rule states: “If a black person tells you to do something, you do it immediately without question. You respect the authority and decisions of the black protestors at all times.”
Other rules for white people state:
  • Stay silent.
  • Your job is to follow.
  • Your job is to be a body. The only voices on the police line should be black voices.
black lives matter rules for white
In 2019, black mayoral candidates in Savannah, Georgia held a meeting where they banned white reporters from the event.
Signs on the doors to the media event read: “Black Press Only!” White reporters were denied entry, while black reporters were allowed inside.
Naturally, the left-wing media did not condemn this racist demand for segregation — something civil rights activists in the 1960s fought to end.

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