Seattle protest graffiti
Things in the newly declared ‘autonomous zone’ in Seattle are just going swimmingly. This zone was established yesterday when antifa/BLM protesters took over about 6-8 blocks of downtown Seattle and established a nascent People’s Republic in the best Bolshevik tradition. It wasn’t much of an accomplishment as the protesters were facing a feckless and sympathetic political structure and the police who weren’t deeply compromised were totally neutered. Read all of RedState’s coverage of this nonsense:
Of course, things aren’t running flawless, when you’ve lived in Mom’s basement for your entire adult life you sort of forget how to do the basics, like find food: Hilarious Story of the Day: Radical Leftists in ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Seattle Already Have a Huge Problem.
And there is one other problem. They are finding that an armed and organized element with leadership that isn’t afraid to use violence pretty much trumps all the slogans and antifa bullsh** you can spout.
A hip-hop artist, at least according to his Wikipedia entry, who goes by the name of Raz Simone is now the de facto ruler of the autonomous zone.