Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Wuhan virus has given the left an excuse to tribalize equality.

Gov. Beshear announces plans to provide 100-percent health coverage for black residents
Gov. Andy Beshear on Monday announced the state will begin working toward correcting inequalities in health care coverage across the state. (Source: Gov. Andy Beshear - Youtube) 
FRANKFORT, Ky. (WAVE) - Gov. Andy Beshear on Monday announced the state will begin working toward correcting inequalities in health care coverage across the state.
During his daily updates in Frankfort the last three months, Beshear has given a breakdown of the racial makeup of the state’s COVID-19 cases. Throughout the crisis, cases involving black patients have outpaced the state’s black population.
“We are gonna begin an effort to cover 100 percent of our individuals in our black and African-American communities,” the governor said. “We’re gonna be putting dollars behind it.”
Beshear also announced plans to introduce a new online training program for law enforcement officers in light of both local and national unrest following a series of deaths of unarmed black people at the hands of police officers. The program will focus on implicit bias, use of force, civil rights laws, community relationships and other topics.
This story is being updated.

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