Friday, November 20, 2020

Sympathy for the Devil ignoring the victim

"As Francis recalled, she immediately recognized signs of abuse and trauma in Hall’s case."

Here's a readers synopsis of the crime:

"He and his partners kidnapped a 14 y/o girl, drove across state lines,  raping her on the way. Then, over the next 2 days repeatedly raped and sodomized her.  Then, took her to the grave they dug the day before,  smashed her with a shovel until she couldn't resist, soaked her in gasoline and tossed her into the grave WHILE STILL ALIVE! She asphyxiated while no doubt in excruciating pain, breathing gasoline fumes until her lungs collapsed.  This crime, committed by this person, deserves the maximum punishment under the law, which is death.   The fact he may have found God in his Muslim faith or any other faith means nothing. He is getting the right punishment for the ghastly crimes he perpetrated on a 14 y/o girl."

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