Monday, October 23, 2023

The suicide of western civilization

Watch: London Metro Police Threaten People Displaying British Flag With Arrest For "Racism"

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, OCT 23, 2023 - 01:15 AM

In a scene reminiscent of the BLM riot events in the United States, white British residents of London are being admonished and in some cases threatened for displaying British and UK national flags during pro-Palestinian protests.  London metro police are warning people carrying these flags that they might be construed as "racist" and that this will be treated as grounds for arrest.

The flag on display in the video is the Cross of Saint George, a flag that represents the UK but is also connected with the crusades of the Middle Ages.  Flying UK flags in the face of Muslim protests is seen as anti-immigration sentiment.  It should be noted that a majority of the UK and European public has become increasingly anti-migrant in the past decade.  Mass Muslim immigration and open border policies have led to an exponential spike in property crime, violent crime and rape, not to mention an increasing drag on European economies.

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