Saturday, July 27, 2024

Surprised? The left has always led the anti Semite crowd

NY’s lefty Working Families Party ripped for endorsement vote on anti-Israel bill

New York politicians are furious at the liberal Working Families Party for making the extraordinary move of voting to endorse an anti-Israel bill at their convention earlier this week.

Pro-Israel Democrats were shocked by the party’s decision to boost the “Not On Our Dime Act,” which would force New York-based non-profit organizations to stop lending support to the Israeli military and the country’s settlement efforts.

“It’s become more of a Democratic Socialists party,” Assemblyman David Weprin (D-Queens) told The Post in an interview Friday.

Weprin has sought the WFP line in the past, but said he didn’t seek the endorsement this year as he doesn’t agree with the party’s shift towards “very left” positions.

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