Saturday, September 21, 2024

Iran hacks and their buddies the Democrat Party

Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

Kamala campaign claims it was the real victim.

Iran hacked the Trump campaign, stole vetting materials, and passed it along to the media and to the Biden-Harris campaign.

According to the FBI, this was to sow chaos, rather than the obvious motive of helping the Democrats win.

The Biden-Harris campaign did not respond to the Iranian emails by going to the FBI. It did not contact law enforcement at all.

The media coverage is using all sorts of weasel words to explain the actions of the Biden-Harris campaign people. There are claims that they did not open the emails. The Biden-Harrs campaign claims that its people were the real victims of Iran.

Morgan Finkelstein, Kamala’s national security spokeswoman, claimed that the campaign, “cooperated with the appropriate law enforcement authorities since we were made aware that individuals associated with the then-Biden campaign were among the intended victims of this foreign influence operation.”

That’s strange wording.

Statements about cooperating with law enforcement are usually made by suspects or people suspected of wrongdoing, yet the campaign is claiming that it’s the victims of “this foreign influence operation.” Typically the Kamala campaign can’t bring itself to say “Iran”. It’s pretty clear though who the victims are and who the beneficiaries were meant to be.

The Biden-Harris campaign should have reported agents of a foreign government peddling stolen info to it. And it’s hard to believe that the sitting administration had no idea that Iran had hacked the Trump campaign. Its failure to do so is suspicious at best and treasonous at worst.

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