Thursday, October 24, 2024

Every Republican is Hitler

Every Republican is Hitler

“We see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.” Martin Luther King

I won’t bother discussing the nonsense currently being trafficked by the media except to note that comparing Republican presidential candidates to Hitler is a playbook older than Joe Biden.

Back in 2016, I picked out some select moments from “Every Republican is Hitler” history.

“If the British had not fought in 1940, Hitler would have been in London and if Democrats do not fight in 1968, Nixon will be in the White House.” Vice President Hubert Humphrey

Chicago Mayor Daley accused Nixon of “Hitler-type” tactics.

“Goldwater’s acceptance speech had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was Heil Hitler.” Governor Pat Brown of California

“We see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.” Martin Luther King

“I have drawn a parallel between Goldwater and Hitler and I make no apology for drawing that parallel,” George Meany – AFL-CIO

“If you overlook your involvement in the KKK, or the Nazi party, or the Republican Party, you are lying.” Senator Tom Lantos

And that’s just a small sample.

Mayor Jack Shelley of San Francisco claimed that Goldwater strategists got all their ideas from Mein Kampf.

FDR accused Republican candidate Wendell Willkie of using “Hitler tactics” by repeating his slogans frequently.

In the Iran-Contra trial, Oliver North was accused of “following Adolf Hitler’s official strategy”. What did one have to do with the other? Nothing. But this sort of lazy accusation had become typical and routine. William Shirer, who had also compared Nixon’s bombing of Hanoi to the Holocaust and called Nixon an “apt pupil” of Hitler (Pentagon spokesman Jerry Friedheim was Goebbels), compared Reagan to Hitler for intervening in Grenada. Then Shirer compared Bush I to Hitler for trying to outlaw flag burning.

By the Reagan years, the left had achieved a banality of Hitler analogies. Everything Reagan did was just like Hitler. All of Reagan’s associates were just like Hitler. It was Hitlers all the way down.

President George W. Bush inherited this banality of Hitlers. To left-wing Truthers, open and covert, 9/11 was the Reichstag fire, the Patriot Act was the beginning of a national dictatorship and Bush was a dictator. As Kurt Vonnegut quipped, “The only difference between Bush and Hitler is that Hitler was elected.”

Everyone, to leftists, is Hitler except the Islamic terrorists allied with Hitler who are trying to kill Jews today.

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