Wednesday, January 22, 2025

It's what corrupt dictators do to protect themselves

Biden’s Pardons Prove His Corruption

Nothing more highlights the reasons why President Trump (and Republicans) won, why the Kamala/Biden regime lost, and proves Biden’s corruption than the pardons given by Joe in the final days of his failed presidency.

In one of Biden’s final interviews, he ranted that he is “concerned about how fragile democracy is,” implying that President Donald J. Trump (DJT) is a threat to our democracy. Hey Joe -- nothing makes our republic more fragile than having a dishonest president intent on becoming wealthy, and making family members wealthy using criminal means similar to those of organized crime, along with a corrupt Department of Justice and equally corrupt FBI that refused to investigate any of the Biden family corruption while simultaneously investigating political opponents for made-up crimes. And then, after years of using his elected offices to stuff his bank account, on the way out the door, he gives “preemptive” pardons to his entire family, ensuring their ill-gotten gains would never be investigated, and if investigated, never prosecuted. This is cronyism, nepotism, and corruption on a scale the United States has never before seen.

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