Saturday, February 1, 2025

The despicable Bernie Sanders tops the list of Senators who receive massive donations from Pharma

Which Senators Are Owned By Big Pharma? RFK Jr.'s Confirmation Hearings Are Showing Us

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearings for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) have seen some of some of the harshest questioning of any of President Trump’s cabinet nominees by D.C. hardliners.

One upside to the acrimony is that Kennedy’s harshest critics and defenders of the status quo are now being publicly revealed as the lawmakers to whom the pharmaceutical industry has donated the most money.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is the largest recipient of money from Big Pharma, asked Kennedy if healthcare was a human right and then refused to let the HHS nominee answer his question with anything other than a “yes” or “no” answer.

Sanders would not let Kennedy differentiate between unalienable rights like free speech and man-made “rights” that create ever-increasing obligations to the government.

SATURDAY, FEB 01, 2025 - 08:40 AM

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