Friday, March 7, 2025

Anti-Israel protesters arrested at Barnard were mostly privileged youths, including woman whose family started Hamptons Jitney

Anti-Israel protesters arrested at Barnard were mostly privileged youths, including woman whose family started Hamptons Jitney

The nine agitators arrested during Wednesday night’s takeover of a Barnard College academic building were all released with desk appearance tickets, as it was revealed none of them were actually students at the elite women’s college.

The disruptors taken into custody included several from privileged backgrounds, including one whose family founded the popular Hampton Jitney bus service in the 1970s — and one rabble rouser who had been busted at two other protests and has called for the “overthrow” of America.

The nine were cuffed after more than 200 protesters swarmed the Milstein Library at Barnard College, many of them from nearby schools including Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, a source told The Post.

Columbia University students walk across the street to Barnard College for an anti-Israel demonstration. Robert Miller

Among those arrested was Alexander Nanci-Marr, 20, whose family, from tony Sag Harbor in the Hamptons, started the Hampton Jitney, which in its heyday shuttled Hollywood royalty like Lauren Bacall and George Plimpton to their oceanside estates, and even once appeared in an episode of “Sex and the City.”

She was taken into custody after refusing cops’ orders to disperse while trying to clear the area following a bogus bomb threat that prompted an evacuation of Milstein Library. According to sources, Nanci-Marr locked arms with fellow protesters and pushed back against police lines.

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