Friday, February 25, 2011

Paul Krugman's Third World fantasy

David Harsanyi wades into Paul Krugman's fever swamp:

According to Nobel laureate and raconteur Paul Krugman, Gov. Scott Walker and "his backers" are attempting to "make Wisconsin — and eventually, America — less of a functioning democracy and more of a Third World-style oligarchy."

Now, it's common knowledge that throwing around loaded words like "socialism" is both uncivil and obtuse, so it's comforting to know we can still refer to people as "Third World-style oligarchs." And boy, that kind of Banana Republic doesn't seem very appealing.

Democracy, naturally, can only be saved by public sector unions, which attain their political power and taxpayer-funded benefits by "negotiating" with politicians elected with the help of unions who use, well, taxpayer dollars. And you know, that doesn't sound like an oligarchy at all.

While Walker, who won office using obnoxious Third World oligarchic tactics like "getting more votes than the other candidate," is a cancer in the heart of democracy, union- funded Democrats evading their constitutional obligation to cast votes are only protecting the integrity of representative government by completely avoiding democracy.

You're getting it now, right?

In this world, when you tax a citizen a bit less to try to generate economic growth, you are not taking less from the taxpayer but "stealing" from a third party who at some point in his life was told he had an indelible right to your wallet, no matter the cost. And if you don't hand it over? Well, even though Wisconsin is home to some of the nation's highest taxes, and even though the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that tax cuts were "not even in effect yet, so they cannot be part of the current problem," you can't stop unionists from blaming "giveaways" to the rich.

And isn't it always the rich?

Read more: Harsanyi: Paul Krugman's Third World fantasy - The Denver Post

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