Thursday, March 31, 2011

A duct tape moment or two

Anarchists: The violent anarchist protests in London the other day were enlightening for anyone who remembers the anarchists of the early 20th century. Those anarchists were anti government. But, the London anarchists, were big government supporters fighting on the side of those who want to see more government spending.

The Libya war (oops, I understand that the WH Press Secretary has said we're not supposed to call this a war) has not been approved by the Congress but the WH proudly announces that it has been approved by the Arab League. Oofdah.

The Obama administration has now come out and said that the Libyan revolutionaries, those they want top talk about anyway, are professional people like lawyers and doctors. So let's look at some of the professional revolutionaries of the past: Castro, lawyer; Che, doctor; Bashir Assad,; Ophthalmologist; Major Hassan, psychiatrist. Got any of your own?

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