Friday, March 11, 2016

They're not protestors when they plan to illegally shut down a legal event. Self absorbed, entitled and built on a lie BLM


trump out stl
The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.
One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.
UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**
If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.
The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.
There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.
78 protesters have signed up to participate.
Sit-down to show St. Louis won’t stand for Trump!
St. Louis, we need to come together! It is by no accident that Ferguson came out of St. Louis. We are a community that stands together! Come out and “sit-in” to show the WORLD that we do not stand for the most bigoted publicized man! 
Come out and exercise your right to assemble and make our voices heard! WE MUST STAY ON PUBLIC PROPERTY & LEAVE A LANE OPEN FOR PEDESTRIANS & WE CANNOT BLOCK TRAFFIC TO STAY LEGAL (per St. Louis City Street Department). Let’s line the outside of the sidewalk (closest to road so our message is seen!) with people and signs!!
I believe in the St. Louis people! Let’s send our message to the world! SHARE, and SHARE wide!!

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