Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Corrupt VA bureaucrat gets job back because he's protected by a corrupt bureaucrat protection agency. Why the VA couldn't care less about veterans!

VA official who offered largest bribe in VA history being paid again by taxpayers


The Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak reported to Dana Loesch on toda’s “Dana” about a corrupt Veterans Affairs official who was fired by Donald Trump but is now back on the job following an appeal.
Among a number of criminal acts including driving under the influence and allegedly stealing opioids, DeWayne Hamlin, former director of the San Juan VA medical center, also tried to fire an employee who reported his arrest to VA managers. When he was advised that he could not fire the whistleblower, he tried to fire the adviser.
Finding that he could not legally fire her, he offered her $300,000 in taxpayer money to keep quiet, which Rosniak said is the highest known bribe in VA history.
However, pending the outcome of active litigation, Hamlin won an appeal with the Merit Systems Protection Board and is employed by the VA once again.
To see more from Dana, visit her channel on TheBlaze and watch full episodes of “Dana” live weekdays 6–7 p.m. ET or anytime on-demand at TheBlaze TV.

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