Thursday, July 20, 2017

When your mother is a racist, anti male nutter....

Son of leftist feminist who called him ‘dangerous’ submits resume to Ben Shapiro


Son of leftist feminist who called him ‘dangerous’ submits resume to Ben Shapiro
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro revealed on Tuesday that he had received the resume of a young man whose feminist mother publicly shamed him in an article for being "not safe," and a potential racist, and rapist. (Image source: Ben Shapiro podcast segment, YouTube screenshot) 

Nineteen-year-old Jared Allard, son of feminist writer Jody Allard who shamed her son publicly as being “dangerous” reportedly submitted his resume to conservative commentator Ben Shapiro according to the Daily Wire.
On July 6, Jody published an article on the website Role Reboot where she said that her sons were “not safe.”
In the article, she called out her son as a misogynist, and a sexist:
One of my sons was hurt by my words, although he’s never told me so. He doesn’t understand why I lumped him and his brother together in my essay. He sees himself as the “good” one, the one who is sensitive and thoughtful, and who listens instead of reacts. He doesn’t understand that even quiet misogyny is misogyny, and that not all sexists sound like Twitter trolls.
She went on later to suggest that her sons’ growing up white, and male, meant that they had involuntarily picked up racist and sexist tendencies.
But if it’s impossible for a white person to grow up without adopting racist ideas, simply because of the environment in which they live, how can I expect men not to subconsciously absorb at least some degree of sexism? White people aren’t safe, and men aren’t safe, no matter how much I’d like to assure myself that these things aren’t true.
The story generated a heap of criticism about how Jody viewed her sons, and caused the article to go viral. Eventually, the story found its way to Shapiro, who spoke about it on his podcast.
Shapiro went through Jody’s article line by line, criticizing and mocking it. In the middle of reading, however, he stopped to make Jared an offer.
“OK, if the son of Jody Allard is watching this right now, please write me an email,” Shapiro  said. “I would be happy to have you intern with us over at The Daily Wire. I think you deserve better than what your mother has provided to you: A label as a potential rapist.”

According to Jody, Jared had turned to conservative media as a way to “surround himself with righteous indignation against feminists.” Jared must have seen Shapiro’s offer as a result, because according to Shapiro, Jared submitted his resume to the Daily Wire.
Jody initially denied that her son and Shapiro had any contact on Twitter.

However, Shapiro tweeted back that he had, in fact, received Jared’s resume, and was looking at it in front of him.

According to the Daily Wire, the website “looks forward to assessing the young man’s resume.”
Independent Journal Review got in contact with Jared’s unnamed brother, who said that he doesn’t believe in a “rape culture.”
“I don’t, necessarily, think there is a ‘rape culture,’ which I’m sure she’s mentioned. I do, however, try to make sure I know where my decisions come from, and how they may impact other people,” he told IJR.
Despite his mother’s negative, public views about her sons, both Jared and his brother expressed that the criticism against her was too harsh.
“My relationship with my mom is good, I respect her right to post her content and have her views,” said Jared’s brother. “Thankfully, she asks us before posting stuff like this to the internet, and has withheld articles we’ve request [sic] be so.”

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