Monday, June 4, 2018

Black shirted thugs exemplify fascism

Violence erupts in Portland when black-clad Antifa protesters clash with Patriot Prayer rally

Violence erupts in Portland when black-clad Antifa protesters clash with Patriot Prayer rally
Violence erupted in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday after Antifa protesters confronted a Patriot Prayer demonstration. The rally, which lasted for about two hours, rally, triggered multiple fights and several arrests. (Image via Twitter @itsmikebivins screenshot) 
Violence broke out in the streets of Portland, Oregon, on Sunday when Antifa protesters interrupted a Patriot Prayer rally, triggering multiple fights and several arrests.
The violent clash came about one year after a similar situation between the two groups, according to KOIN-TV.

What happened?

The Patriot Prayer rally, organized by a group that claims to be a First Amendment organization, began peacefully, according to the Oregonian. But the situation quickly escalated when a group of black-clad Antifa protesters assembled nearby and confronted the Patriot Prayer demonstrators.
The protests, which lasted for about two hours, saw demonstrators engaged in fist fights while others hurled bottles, fireworks, and rocks at police. While the Antifa protesters were there to counterprotest the Patriot Prayer group, Fox News noted that many were also there to protest police.
Law enforcement used pepper spray to breakup the fights, police said, while also using it to respond to groups hurling objects at officers.
Police confiscated a number of items, including fireworks, bear spray and weapons, including knives.

How many people did police arrest?

Four people were arrested during the violence. KOIN explains:
Both Jonathan Feit, 36, and Andrew Arbow, 32, were arrested during the protests and charged with second-degree disorderly conduct. Another person was also arrested, but that person is refusing to identify themselves, police said.
Gregory Isaacson, 43, received a federal citation for failure to comply with lawful order.
“The intent of our presence today was to provide a safe environment for all participants, non-participants, and community members while ensuring the peaceful exercise of the First Amendment,” Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw said in a statement, according to KOIN.
Fourteen people were arrested during last year’s clashes.

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