Friday, May 3, 2019

Protecting Loe Biden from himself: Reporter: Biden Campaign Physically Blocking Press from Asking Questions

Reporter: Biden Campaign Physically Blocking Press from Asking Questions

Joe Biden
Joe Biden / Getty Images
A freelance reporter covering Joe Biden's presidential campaign launch says the campaign has gotten physical in its attempts to block the press from questioning the former vice president.
Marcus DiPaola, a videographer who was on the trail with Biden Wednesday night in Iowa, used his Twitter account to voice complaints from multiple members of the press regarding poor treatment from campaign staff, which was reportedly blocking reporters from asking questions and taking photographs of anyone who objected.
"A reporter approached @JoeBiden to ask a question and a member of his staff told the reporter to leave, and when the reporter explained that they were just doing their job, the staffer said she was too," DiPaola wrote. "The staffer then took a photo of the reporter."
His initial tweet was followed by other similar anecdotes from the trail.
"A different reporter just told me that yesterday a staff member physically put their body between the reporter and @JoeBiden," he wrote. "The reporter said they weren't even that close and that there were several supporters between the reporter and Biden."
"This second reporter tells me the staffer physically invaded their space to the point that the reporter could smell the staffer's ponytail."
"THIRD reporter just told me that a staff member physically put their body between @JoeBiden and the reporter, moments ago at this rally in Des Moines," he wrote. "This third reporter just told me that the @JoeBiden staffer blocked his camera shot by putting up her hands."
DiPaola said reporters were unwilling to put their names to complaints, fearing it would jeopardize their ability to cover the campaign effectively in the future.
Eventually, the treatment from the campaign impacted DiPaola himself as he was trying to capture video of Biden leaving the event.
The campaign attempted to "remove" the press from a public lot and told reporters they would not be allowed to ask questions, according to DiPaola. It then moved the location of Biden's motorcade numerous times and sent Biden through a Jimmy Johns in its attempt to avoid questions, but was ultimately unsuccessful.
DiPaola was able to capture video, available on Getty Images, of Biden saying he thinks Attorney General William Barr should resign.
His full Twitter thread on actions taken by the Biden campaign to limit the press can be read below.
A reporter approached @JoeBiden to ask a question and a member of his staff told the reporter to leave, and when the reporter explained that they were just doing their job, the staffer said she was too. The staffer then took a photo of the reporter.
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A different reporter just told me that yesterday a staff member physically put their body between the reporter and @JoeBiden. The reporter said they weren't even that close and that there were several supporters between the reporter and Biden.
506 people are talking about this
This second reporter tells me the staffer physically invaded their space to the point that the reporter could smell the staffer's ponytail.
450 people are talking about this
A THIRD reporter just told me that a staff member physically put their body between @JoeBiden and the reporter, moments ago at this rally in Des Moines.
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While getting the video I just shot of Biden calling for Barr to resign, a @JoeBiden staffer physically placed her body between me and the candidate, causing me to bump into her.
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Here's the video. @JoeBiden calls on AG Bill Barr to resign: "I think he's lost the confidence of the American people. I think he should."
I cannot express how difficult it was to get this video. @JoeBiden staff moved his motorcade THREE TIMES to avoid us, and he eventually went through what appeared to be a TUNNEL to a nearby Jimmy John's to dodge our questions.
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