Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Musk nails the media again

Musk appeared to get into the spirit of Independence Day by sharing a fake Tweet depicting "Twitter in 1775" where iconic American historical figure Paul Revere was fact-checked by Twitter for saying, "The British are coming, the British are coming!" The fake tweet depicted a misinformation label reading, "Learn how British taxes are beneficial for society."

Another Twitter user responded to Musk with a similar fake tweet from Greek philosopher Socrates, who was famously poisoned by the Greek government for criticizing the ruling elite of his own time. The tweet showed Socrates theorizing, "I dunno man, I’m beginning to think that maybe the Ruling Elite aren’t as wise as they claim to be," and featured a similar spoof of a Twitter fact-check alert, reading, "Learn more about how Socrates is corrupting the youth of Athens."

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