Thursday, March 16, 2023

Democrat Congressman holding $32+million in Cayman Island bank under his control...

  Interesting – Democratic Congressman Daniel Goldman of New York Holding $32+ Million in Cayman Island Bank Account…

Here’s a fun little bit of datamining by the folks at TrendingPolitics.  Apparently, former DOJ apparatchik and current New York Representative Daniel Goldman is holding $32+ million in a Cayman Island bank account.

Goldman was one of Los Tres Amigos conscripted from the DOJ who was enlisted by Mary McCord to run the public face of the House impeachment effort against President Trump.  More recently sketchy Goldman attempted to run defense for the Mueller-Weissmann team during testimony about the Twitter files. {Go Deep}

Considering his legal exposure to the multiple frauds he assisted and perpetrated, it seems part of his financial risk mitigation is to keep his bank accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Curiously interesting, because it’s always worth noting what ammunition the Fourth Branch carries to keep their toadies in line.

[Trending Politics] – Newly disclosed financial documents show that a House Democrat leading the charge against income inequality has stashed over $30 million in a tax-free international haven to support his nonprofit.

The Richard W. Goldman Foundation, which for a decade has provided charitable efforts on behalf of the disadvantaged, reported holding $32.2 million in investments harbored within the Cayman Islands, a renowned haven for wealthy individuals and corporations seeking to relieve tax burdens. The organization was founded in 2012 by Democratic Congressman Daniel Goldman of New York.

Documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission list Goldman as financial director for the Goldman Foundation, giving him control over where and how its assets are managed. Disclosures to House Ethics by the New York lawmaker show he has maintained a position on the foundation’s board of advisors through July 2022.

Rep. Goldman just last week issued a statement supporting President Joe Biden’s plan to raise taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans as part of his annual budget. (read more)

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