Saturday, June 2, 2018

Compare the way this child is treated with the way violent minority children are coddled.

School expels 10-year-old for bringing noisemakers to school because they’re ‘explosive compounds’

School expels 10-year-old for bringing noisemakers to school because they’re ‘explosive compounds’
An elementary school student is expelled after bringing noisemakers to school. (Getty Images) 

A Georgia elementary school permanently expelled a 10-year-old boy for bringing noisemakers to school in early May — because they are apparently considered explosive material.

What are the details here?

The Henry County fourth-grader reportedly brought what WSB-TV calls “popping noisemakers” to a school bus stop, and later on, to the school itself.
According to the station, “a student told the principal what happened at the bus stop and that’s how the school found out.”
Noelle, the boy’s mother, told WSB that the school district considers the popping noisemakers an “explosive compound” and possessing them on school property is purportedly grounds for permanent expulsion.
According to WSB, Noelle wants the decision reversed so that her son can go back to school.
“I can pop it in my hand,” she told WSB. “It doesn’t harm you, it doesn’t hurt you. It makes a noise.”
“They don’t even make a spark,” Noelle added, noting that she does not feel the popping noisemakers are at all dangerous. “They just make a noise. They’re just a noise.”
She went as far as to say that her son reportedly wasn’t even aware that the popping noisemakers were in his backpack.
“He thought he had popped all of them,” Noelle explained, and later added that the punishment of expulsion is overkill.
According to the station, the Henry County School System’s district handbook indicates such punishment is applicable and reasonable when a student brings an “explosive compound” to school.
Noelle, however, can appeal the decision on her son’s expulsion, according to the station. WSB reported that she plans to do just that.
“He’s 10,” Noelle said. “He had no idea he was doing something wrong.”
Noelle explained that her son is distressed by the idea of not being able to attend school.
“‘Mama, what are we going to do next? Are we going to have to move?'” Noelle says of her son’s inquiries. “‘Like, how am I going to go to school?'”

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