Thursday, May 2, 2019

Anti Semite, anti American Congressional Democrat: Ilhan Omar defends socialist dictatorship in Venezuela — and blames the U.S. instead for the chaos

Ilhan Omar defends socialist dictatorship in Venezuela — and blames the U.S. instead for the chaos

She's getting too extreme even for some Democrats

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) put the blame of the failures of the socialist dictatorship in Venezuela squarely on the shoulders of the United States in an interview Wednesday.

Congressmember Ilhan Omar," asked PBS anchor Amy Goodman, "if you can comment what's taking place right now in Venezuela, the U.S. supported coup attempt against President Maduro."
"A lot of the policies that we have put in place has kinda helped lead the devastation in Venezuela," responded Omar.
"And we sort of set the stage for what we're arriving today, this particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change," she explained. "It really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela and it certainly does not help, it's not in the interest of the United States."
The Muslim member of Congress is one of the few Democrats who are speaking out against the U.S. efforts to recognize Juan Guaido as the democratic and constitutional interim president in Venezuela. Omar and others instead support the socialist dictatorship of Maduro, who has been using violence to stomp down protests.

While most put the blame of the terrible living conditions in Venezuela on the failure of the socialist dictatorship, some like Omar are instead blaming the United States.
Omar has been at the center of several controversies focusing on extremist statements she's made, including comments that included anti-Semitic tropes.

Here's the video of Omar's pro-dictator statement:

Ilhan Omar Speaks Out Against U.S. Sanctions & Bipartisan Support for Regime Change in

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