Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Exposing the scope of the politicization of all deep state agencies.

Volker and Sondland Testimony Released – And Elise Stefanik, Once Again, On the Right Trail…

The transcripts of the closed-door deposition of Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland were released today by the Lawfare impeachment organizers and Adam Schiff.   Both pdf’s are below; however, first it is worth reestablishing a bigger, more important, context.
In the fall of 2016, long before the term “spygate” reached the lexicon of political followers, CTH research discovered the background use and weaponization of the intelligence apparatus.  This was before the November 2016 election. We didn’t exactly know who was involved, but we outlined what appeared to be a coordinated effort amid the intelligence community, current and former officials, politicians (both parties), and media.
Immediately after the November election, when CTH noted NSA Director Mike Rogers unscheduled visit to Trump Tower & the immediate moving of the Trump transition team, our review took on a more narrowed focus.  It was at that point when CTH outlined a simplistic 30,000 ft. explanation ‘black hat’ and ‘white hat‘ ops. [I regret those terms]
In the year that followed, CTH was blasted for outlining what appeared to be a planned, organized, and very concerted effort within a network of DC interests, to conduct spy and surveillance operations against candidate Trump, president-elect Trump and President Trump. We were labeled conspiracy theorists by both sides of the political spectrum.
We outlined how the Evelyn Farkas’ inadvertent admissions on MSNBC spoke to a coordinated effort that no-one was paying attention to.  However, it wasn’t until March 20th, 2017, when James Comey testified before the HPSCI and took an unanticipated series of questions from then freshman representative Elise Stefanik, and CTH outlined the specifics behind the admissions made by the FBI Director, that people started to realize what we had been saying for the past six months was indeed structurally evident.
By the end of 2017, people started to see clarity amid a picture we had been painting for over a year.  By mid-spring 2018 admissions within the apparatus of government, and released documents from Devin Nunes solidified the evidence.
Yes, there was political surveillance; yes, there was political spying; yes, there actually was an intelligence operation to remove President Trump being coordinated with involvement by a group within the IC, politicians, DC operatives (Fusion-GPS) and a network of specific media.
All of the aligned interests; and specifically all of the granular activity throughout 2018 – including activity within the DOJ and FBI under the Trump administration; which encompassed the Weissmann-Mueller effort; were working on a cover-program where defeating republicans in the 2018 mid-term election was part of a plan to: (a) protect their interests; (b) defend themselves from discovery of prior activity; and (c) hopefully continue the endeavor.  The election loss of the House was not accidental or organic political activity, it was purposeful.  [Uniparty GOP reps retiring was purposeful; ballot harvesting was purposeful; nothing was happenstance.]

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