Thursday, January 19, 2023

CRT = black supremacist. DEI jobs for stupid people


On Tuesday, Project Veritas released a video of an education specialist referring to himself as an "evil salesman" for violating Georgia laws by selling to school districts a curriculum that contained critical race theory teachings disguised as diversity, equity, and inclusion.

A Project Veritas journalist captured undercover videos of Dr. Quintin Bostic admitting to selling a curriculum that violated Georgia's ban on critical race theory. Bostic, a former educator, had his teaching license revoked around 2017.

In one of the videos, Bostic can be heard explaining, "If you don't say the word 'critical race theory,' you can technically teach it."

At one point, the undercover journalist notes, "It's amazing how you've gotten the schools to purchase the curriculum." 

Bostic quickly replies, "And they don't even know what's going on. I 

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