Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Only progressives can look at this chart and say let's make everything electric

California imports the most electricity from other states; Pennsylvania exports the most

state electricity generation net imports and exports

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System

Republished April 9, 2019 to subtract the direct use of electricity and unaccounted for electricity in the accounting of electricity trade. With this change, Wyoming replaced Texas as the fifth-highest net electricity exporter in the first figure. Values in the text have been updated accordingly.

Electricity routinely flows among the Lower 48 states and, to a lesser extent, between the United States and Canada and Mexico. From 2013 to 2017, Pennsylvania was the largest net exporter of electricity, sending an annual average of 58 million megawatthours (MWh) outside the state. California was the largest net importer, receiving an average of 89 million MWh annually. 

Based on the share of total consumption within each state, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Delaware, and Idaho were the five largest power-importing states between 2013 and 2017. Wyoming, West Virginia, North Dakota, Montana, and New Hampshire were the five largest power-exporting states. States with major population centers and relatively less generating capacity within their state boundaries tend to have higher ratios of net electricity imports to total electricity consumption.


1 comment:

David Foster said...

Chart doesn't show up....tried 2 different browsers.