Friday, February 25, 2022

Progressives simply do not understand racism because they are so deeply racist

Progressive SUNY Binghamton professor rebuked for race, gender policy

A syllabus for Ana Maria Candela’s sociology class alerted students that she would be calling on non-white coeds first.

Candela wrote that “if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time.”

Student Sean Harrigan shone a light on the pigment-specific pedagogy after he filed a Title IX discrimination complaint to the school.

Harrigan told The Post Monday that Binghamton officials scrambled to revise the syllabus and later insisted that they opposed the practice.

“How am I supposed to get a full participation grade if I’m not called on because of the way I was born?” Harrigan, an economics major, said Monday.

A school spokesperson said that they cleansed Candela’s syllabus of the offending phrases.

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