Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Is there a po;itical purge going on in the military?

Army lieutenant colonel and professor of military studies who tweeted that 'it's time to resign' over COVID vaccine mandate is being investigated and could be discharged as military begins firing those who refuse the jab

  • Lt. Col. James A. Attaway III, a professor of military studies at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas, tweeted on Saturday about vaccine mandates
  • Attaway, who enlisted in 1998 and served in the Special Forces, responded to the news that the Army was to begin discharging those who refused vaccination
  • Attaway tweeted: 'The vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or transmitted [sic.] Covid', adding: 'It's time to resign …'
  • He deleted the tweet, but not before it caught the attention of other commanders and the Army is now investigating 
  • The Army has issued written 'reprimands' to 3,073 soldiers who have refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19, and they could now be fired 

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