Friday, September 7, 2018

The irony: A socialist who won't share the profits...hahha. There is no insult you can use for him that would not defame the comparison.


Ex-wife claims Michael Moore stiffed her out of movie profits

Documentarian Kathleen Glynn is cranking up the Fahrenheit on her fellow filmmaker-ex husband Michael Moore, hauling him to court for allegedly stiffing her on profits from their movie projects.
Glynn and the “Fahrenheit 9/11” director split in 2014after 23 years of marriage, and an even longer business partnership.
“She was the driving force in the making of many of [his] films and other ventures in which Mr. Moore was the featured personality, dating back to their first big success, ‘Roger and Me’ (1989),” Glynn’s attorney Bonnie Rabin says in the new Manhattan Supreme Court suit.
Glynn also produced the Academy Award-winning “Bowling for Columbine” about the Columbine High School massacre and “Fahrenheit 9/11” — “the highest-grossing documentary film of all time.”
The suit claims Moore has walked away from a binding arbitration that was required to “flesh out the terms of an important provision in their property settlement.”
Glynn claims Moore’s trying to obtain all the benefits of their 2014 settlement in which she “signed over essentially all of her interest in the fruits of the parties’ joint efforts as film-makers … in exchange for a promise of future revenue-sharing by” Moore.
He was supposed to pay her 4 percent of total revenue from his creative works — but he gave her just $541 in 2014, the suit says. That means he would have pulled in just $13,525 during a seven-month period, according to court papers.
And Glynn’s not buying the amount of income Moore reported to the IRS — negative $350,862 in 2014 and negative $221,025 in 2016.

Moore and his lawyer did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

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