Thursday, September 6, 2018

Prof who mocked Barbara Bush’s death returns to school with much pomp and circumstance...the Left will support the vilest of their own. I think we have a new face for Austin Powers Fat Bastard.

Prof who mocked Barbara Bush’s death returns to school with much pomp and circumstance

Prof who mocked Barbara Bush’s death returns to school with much pomp and circumstance
Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar arrives on campus for the fall semester — with a literal parade. (Image source: GV Wire video screenshot) 
Randa Jarrar, the left-wing professor who mocked the death of Barbara Bush in April, returned to her teaching post at Fresno State on Wednesday and was welcomed by adoring fans.

What’s the background?

In April, Jarrar tweeted about the death of the former first lady, attacking her legacy and the Bush family. She also voiced her own glee that the Bush family matriarch was dead.
One such tweet stated, “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F*** outta here with your nice words.”
Another said, “PSA: either you are against these pieces of s**t and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. That’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. Can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million Iraqis have.”
Jarrar faced heavy criticism for her distasteful tweets, but instead of apologizing, she boasted that she could not — and would not — be fired from her post because she was a tenured professor.
Despite the university president issuing a statement condemning Jarrar’s remarks, he ultimately did not fire her. Instead, he said that the professor’s sentiments were protected by free speech.
In an interview conducted after the frenzy, Jarrar said she did not regret her remarks, and stands by them.
Many in the local literary community rallied around Jarrar, and lauded her as a hero.

What happened upon her return to the university?

Jarrar showed up at Fresno State on Wednesday with a literal parade in tow. Jarrar and some of her supporters paraded through the campus to her classroom as Jarrar raised her hands in the air and broadly grinned.
According to the Fresno Bee, Jarrar was escorted around the campus by a group of people singing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”
A spokesperson for Fresno State said that Jarrar also requested a police escort. Police escorts are available to all students or faculty members who request one, according to the outlet.
GV Wire reported that the officer locked the door to the classroom after Jarrar was safely inside. The outlet noted that Jarrar took media questions after her two-hour class.
When a reporter asked Jarrar if free speech should have any restrictions, Jarrar answered, “Everybody has the right to say what they want.”

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